Jung Marriage Test™


Partner A : E67 S11 T44 P1
Partner B : E22 S56 F56 P67

Informational compatibility is an important factor establishing a mutually satisfying and long-lasting relationship. MatchIndex™ represents the extent of informational compatibility between two partners. Higher MatchIndex™ indicates greater likelihood of a stable and satisfying long-term relationship.

Here are the four components of your informational compatibility:


Information Source Compatibility


An extravert’s source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world, while an introvert has a source of energy mainly in their internal world. The hearts below show your position and that of your partner, as well as the distance between the partners on the extraversion-introversion scale. This is how you compare in terms of extraversion-introversion trait:

  • Partner A is strongly expressed extravert.
  • Partner B is distinctly expressed extravert.
  • Partner A and Partner B, you have the same preferences and those preferences are expressed either slightly or moderately.

Advantages of This Combination of Preferences

This combination of preferences is favorable for your relationship because similarly directed preferences will lead to mutual understanding and consent in your relationship.
The close strength of expression and similarly directed preferences allow each of you to easily adjust your behavior to your partner’s typical conduct while still feeling sufficiently comfortable yourself. This combination of partner preferences is also favorable for your relationship because it significantly expands the set of situations with which you, as a couple, are able to cope. It means that each of you may supplement your partner in situations where your personal traits give you advantage.
So, Partner A could lead in situations where expressed extraverted behavior gives the advantage whereas Partner B will lead the couple where some introverted qualities are preferable.

Activities Comfortably Done Together

There is a wide range of situations in which both partners can feel comfortable together. Activities to undertake together may include active socializing with groups of people, attending parties, visiting museums, going to the movies, sports, dining out, shopping, and casual outings.


It is most probably that you will not face problems stemming from both of you being extraverts. Nevertheless, it makes sense to avoid situations, which could cause tension in your relationship because of both of your extraverted preferences. One example of this would be to limit live communication with others over a long period of time.

Information Perception Compatibility


The method of perception of information is represented by the sensing-intuition preferences. Sensing means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.
The hearts below show your position and that of your partner, as well as the distance between the partners on the extraversion-introversion scale. This is how you compare on trait sensing-intuition:

  • Partner A is slightly expressed sensing person.
  • Partner B is distinctly expressed sensing person.
  • Partner A and Partner B, you have the same preferences and those preferences are expressed either slightly or moderately.

Advantages of Your Combination of Preferences

This combination of preferences is favorable for your relationship because similarly directed preferences will lead to mutual understanding and consent in your relationship.
The close strength of expression and similarly directed preferences allow each of you to easily adjust your behavior to your partner’s typical conduct while still feeling sufficiently comfortable.

Activities Comfortably Done Together

It follows that there is a relatively wide range of situations that can be understood by both partners and with which they can effectively cope.
Common ground may include everyday situations that require quick, practical solutions and considering their immediate impact.


It is most probably that your relationship does not face problems stemming from how you perceive the world.
Nevertheless, situations should be avoided that might cause tension in your relationship, in light of both partners’ primarily sensory perception of the world. Preference for the concrete, practical perception of reality might cause discomfort if both of you need to make decisions on questions requiring foresight and seeing the “big picture.”

Information Processing Compatibility


How a person processes information is represented by the thinking-feeling preferences. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.
The hearts below show your position and that of your partner, as well as the distance between the partners on the thinking-feeling scale. This is how you compare on trait thinking-feeling:

  • Partner A is distinctly expressed thinking person.
  • Partner B is distinctly expressed feeling person.
  • Partner A and Partner B have opposite preferences when it comes to processing information.

Adapting to Your Partner’s Behavior

There will most probably be tension in your relationship, because the partners’ preferences are opposite each other and the strength of those preferences is substantial.
Partner B, be aware that excessive compassion can sometimes be burdensome. If that is the case, your partner may begin to distance him- or herself from you.


Partner A, it would be better for you to rely on your partner for those problems that call for sympathy, a personal approach, or a consensus among all concerned.
Partner B, it would be better for you to count on your partner for problems that require a strictly logical, objective approach and firmness in execution.

Information Implementation Compatibility


How a person implements information is represented by the judging-perceiving preferences. Judging means that a person organizes all of his or her life events and, as a rule, sticks to their plans. Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.

The hearts below show your position and that of your partner, as well as the distance between the partners on the judging-perceiving scale. This is how you compare on trait judging-perceiving:

  • Partner A is slightly expressed perceiving.
  • Partner B is distinctly expressed perceiving person.
  • Partner A and Partner B, you have the same preferences when it comes to implementation of information.

Advantages of Your Combination of Preferences

This combination of preferences is favorable for your relationship because similarly directed preferences will lead to mutual understanding and consent in your relationship.
The close strength of expression and similarly directed preferences allow each of you to easily adjust your behavior to your partner’s typical conduct while still feeling sufficiently comfortable.

Activities Comfortably Done Together

There is a relatively wide range of situations in which the partners easily interact.
These may include those that require improvisation, flexibility and variety in approaches.


There are most probably no contradictions between partners stemming from their same perceiving preferences. However, situations should be avoid that might cause tension in your relationship because of both partners’ preference for improvisation and flexibility in their approaches. This approach might lead to tension, if both of you have to manage situations that primarily require planning and meeting deadlines.

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